@TracyCCUD TRACY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPEN WHY!!!!!!!
Aw shucks what did i miss tracy whyyy :((
Chat to her on her message wall
It would be where her talk page is, but instead of being a talk page, its a message wall
Im soup late but im feeling many emotions about this situation.
I think mostly sadness????
Tracy, I just want you to know you made the adopt me wiki a much sillier place. I know ur supposed to be emo (🖤🐺⛓️) but you mean a lot to me. You’re so kind especially for getting me robo dogs (even if u lost the account lol). You’re a super cool person and it’s going to be sad not seeing you on the wiki.
Oh okay 😎 if i have anything else to add i will message her there
Thank you Bonnie, and if you ever wanna chat I’ll be on.
Of course you’re such a awesome sauce person. Its sad to see you’ll no longer be there. I’ll make sure to message you regularly.
Yeah. That’s true
tracyyy hi
what did i miss
and how is that revealing personal info like its a CITY where millions of ppl live bro
Okay using this wiki as a chat place is stopping now. If I see any of you discussing off-wiki things on mws or discussions again you may end up with a warning or a block